Montag, 12. August 2013

#My passion - Horse riding

 My passion is horse riding. I have my two horses since ca 10 years.

Dressage, racing, show jumping .... these things are so great.

Dancing without errors, in a world created by horse and horserider, uniting thoughts and bodys. To control an animal like this, strong, intelligent, just with my own feelings, thoughs and wishes. This is a wonderful feeling...

 Showjumping is also great, my horses are no talented jumping horses jumping 1.40 m, but they reach a high from 1.10, let's see if we'll gonna get higher. The moment while you are above the obstacle, it's pure adrenaline and happiness. You're flying with the horse.

Racing with a horse is fun - we have some meadows the horses can run and run.
To be fearless with the horse, not to shrink back from anything...
Knowing you could die at any moment, one false step suffices and everything could be gone.

But thats part of horse riding. Taking risks, standing above it, endure it with your partner.

The horse from the first pics is #Keith
The following pics are #Amadeus

I trained him very long and now he goes piaffe, almost levade and we're working at the galopping pirouette

This horse is so amazing - we're completly connected.

Of course I normally ride with saddle, but I like riding bitless because I think it's softer for the horse.Without bit and saddle it's free and naturally, if you know your horse you're gonna see like it. See what your horse sees, feel it, hear it.


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