Mittwoch, 14. August 2013

#Principality of Liechtenstein

 Today I went shopping in Liechtenstein, the way to Liechtenstein endured 4 hours ....

 There were many tourists, so I had luck to find a free place to make some photos ... ;)

 I bought a really nice handbag, grey, from PICARD

Dienstag, 13. August 2013

#Just some german thoughts

Ich schreibe auf diesem Blog ja nur auf Englisch, das heißt bisher. Doch nun möchte ich auch mal ein paar Deutsche Worte miteinbringen und -nicht ganz zum Thema "Fashion & Lifestyle" passend - ein paar Gedankengänge aufschreiben. 

Jeder Mensch hat Träume, zum einen die, welche verwirklicht werden können, zum anderen die Fantasien, welche nie erfüllt werden können. Aus welchem Grund auch immer... 
Doch dann ist da noch etwas und ich bin mir nicht sicher, wo man das einordnen kann. Es sind Träume, die unmöglich erscheinen. Fantasien, die real werden können. Ein Teil der Wirklichkeit und dennoch so fern, dass niemand weiß, ob es je erreicht werden kann. 

Nicht nur man selbst kann sich dabei im Weg stehen. Sei es Faulheit, zu wenig Ehrgeiz, zu wenig Ideen oder einfach keine Kraft. 
Die Gesellschaft beeinflusst jeden Menschen enorm und kann die Verwirklichung vieler Träume verhindern, meist so, dass es am Ende so aussieht, als hätte man selbst versagt. 

Während man eine genaue Idee hat, wie man einen Traum verwirklicht, macht man oft den Fehler, diesen Plan jemandem zu erzählen. Dann gibt es drei Möglichkeiten... 
Begeisterung: Die Person ist überrascht und findet das Alles super
Unentschlossenheit: Die Person weiß nicht, was sie davon halten soll
Enttäuschung: Wenn diese Person von dir etwas vollkommen anderes erwartet hätte, zeigt sie vielleicht Enttäuschung, große Enttäuschung. Das zieht wen runter, man fühlt sich schlecht und will dazugehören... um dazuzugehören macht man immer etwas, was andere gut finden. Doch findet man das selbst wirklich gut? Vielleicht wehrt sich alles in jemandem dagegen. Gegen den Gedanken, das "Richtige" zu tun, um anerkannt zu werden. 
Um nicht zu tun, was andere glücklich macht, sondern das, was wen selbst glücklich macht, braucht man Kraft, es kann wen auszerren. 

Geheimhaltung der eigenen Idee ist natürlich ein Weg, um das zu vermeiden. Aber wer schafft das schon? Jeder, der anfangs davon überzeugt ist, teilt es jemand anderem mit, so voller Begeisterung und Vorfreude.

Ein anderer Weg wäre, dass die Gesellschaft offener wird. 
Das sie weniger Pläne für andere Menschen vorsehen, sie bei allem unterstüzen und auf den richtigen Weg weisen, nicht aber einen Stacheldraht um diesen Weg ziehen. 
Jeder kann sich vorstellen, dass es schmerzt und Anstrengung kostet, um durch diesen Draht zu kommen. 
Der Weg zurück ist danach meist ganz versperrt...

Das war einer meiner heutigen Gedanken, den ich einfach mal ausführen wollte. Vielleicht interessiert es jemanden, derjenige liest das hier jetzt, vielleicht wird es aber auch einfach übersprungen. 
Wie auch immer... denn ich möchte keinen "Stacheldraht" ziehen.

For my english readers: I won't translate this german text into english, it's late and I wanna go to bed ;)   But all things considered ... it's about not to force someone to something, not to decide what he has to do in the future. Just let other persons freedom - show  them a right way, don't wire this allegendly-right-way.

Good night!

#BrandyMelville Munich

                                      My new bag from #BrandyMelville *_*
                                      I  really love it ....
                                      It's perfect for this hot summer ...
                                      Fits perfect to all of my outfits ...
                                      And it wasn't expensive ;)


                                          Getting ready for a shooting :)

Montag, 12. August 2013

#My passion - Horse riding

 My passion is horse riding. I have my two horses since ca 10 years.

Dressage, racing, show jumping .... these things are so great.

Dancing without errors, in a world created by horse and horserider, uniting thoughts and bodys. To control an animal like this, strong, intelligent, just with my own feelings, thoughs and wishes. This is a wonderful feeling...

 Showjumping is also great, my horses are no talented jumping horses jumping 1.40 m, but they reach a high from 1.10, let's see if we'll gonna get higher. The moment while you are above the obstacle, it's pure adrenaline and happiness. You're flying with the horse.

Racing with a horse is fun - we have some meadows the horses can run and run.
To be fearless with the horse, not to shrink back from anything...
Knowing you could die at any moment, one false step suffices and everything could be gone.

But thats part of horse riding. Taking risks, standing above it, endure it with your partner.

The horse from the first pics is #Keith
The following pics are #Amadeus

I trained him very long and now he goes piaffe, almost levade and we're working at the galopping pirouette

This horse is so amazing - we're completly connected.

Of course I normally ride with saddle, but I like riding bitless because I think it's softer for the horse.Without bit and saddle it's free and naturally, if you know your horse you're gonna see like it. See what your horse sees, feel it, hear it.


Donnerstag, 8. August 2013

#I'm gonna fly to London!

Next week I'm gonna fly to London! Of course I'll make "some" pics (for this blog) and I'm so happy because I've never been there bevor :)
At the moment there's so much to do on my list, too much for 5 days ;)

Montag, 5. August 2013


That's my horse Amadeus, my friend (every brownie needs a blondie) and me ;)

My little showhorse at the party, he was gorgeous!

Sonntag, 21. Juli 2013


My glitter nails today ;)
It took almost 1 hour to made it, it's purple nailpolish and glitter over it.

Freitag, 19. Juli 2013


I bought a new bag, I really love the design! 

I'll show you some different pics of it and I hope
 you'll like it! :)

I love the combination

This bag fits perfect to my jeans blouse / USA style.

When the sun's shining like that it looks rose ... like the roses ! :)

In the following days I'll post outfit pics, you'll see that bag then too in some variations ! :)

You can see that this bag looks also good to my bracelets

Lavender (also as color) looks also beautiful to this :)

 I really love go to the pool... even if you want to go to a lake or just the swimming pool, it's great to put some things like mascara etc into ;)

I hope you liked these pics and you really should search for a bag like that. 
This one is from  EAU THERMALE AVÈNE

Donnerstag, 18. Juli 2013


These are some of my favorite bracelets. 
Today I wear them exactly like that, but the variation is endless and it changes everyday. 

My armbands today

Now I show you some individuals and write some facts about each

These two bracelets are from Sri Lanka (with the big shell) and Mexico. This are typical jewelleries from the both countries, I bought them on markets and the women there sometimes wear them on events and festivals.
I love the two bracelets because I have wonderful memories from the holidays there. :)
Moreover I love oriental things! 
Mexico left, Sri Lanka right

Both of the two wonderful armbands are from HOLLISTER. I bought them (each) for ca. 25 € and I think they're looking kind of arabic and are fitting perfect to the indian/mexican bracelets. The left one is broader, and it's pink with more gold. The other one is smaller and turquoise but I love both <3
I'm so happy that I saw them!
Hollister bracelet, 25 €

The black-golden bracelet is from ABERCROMBIE&FITCH, I bought it some months ago for 17 €. 
In my opinion it fits perfect to the black GUCCI wristwatch! 

Those tree armbands are from BRANDY MELVILLE, I bought them just some days ago! ;)
The golden bracelet fits perfect to the ABERCROBIE and GUCCI collocation. But it looks also good to the leather, it makes it more elegant.
Brandy - all together ca. 22 €

My expression of view

You know, I love bracelets. I love the feeling to have so many at my arm (only at the left arm, always more than 8). I know that some people -or many people - don't like that style, they think it's just... too much. But I also now so many people always tell me that the armbands are a part of me and that's just... ME. 
Most of time I mix them, but it's also possible to search special collections - they may look very elegant, even if there are so many bracelets.
For example, the GUCCI, ABERCROMBIE and then the golden BRANDY armbands. This are only three, so I look for some nice other ones. I have two silver bracelets and even if I wear silver and gold, it fits great together! To keep it elegant, I'll not put the pink HOLLISTER bracelet on, I take the turquoise. Now just a small, black leather band and it's perfect. Like that I can go to restaurants and events.  (Pic comes tomorrow!)

For the day, for school, shopping, etc, I just mix them until it looks good for me ;)

Everybody has an own style and I think everybody needs a special, own identification. Other people have dreads, caps, funky nails, clothes, ... - for me my bracelets are special. People look at me and they see the armbands and after that they know that I'm the girl with the many bracelets at once  :D
 It's expression. 

PS: What do you think... how many time does it take in the morning to make my "bracelet collection of the day"? 
Sometimes more than 15 minutes - just to choose a collection and search the best place on my arm for each bracelet ;)
Taking them on endures ca 5 minutes, too :D